Healthy, low purine foods should always remain a part of the balance you are aiming for. The better option would be to focus more on pH balance, as a whole. pH balanced meals and lifestyles can further your quest for healthy cell protection, thereby reducing your overall uric acid load. pH balance also aids to reduce the inflammatory response in the body that sends your organs into a frenzy and allows uric acid to be freely stored to be “dealt with” later.
Acid/ Alkaline base has to be in balance. If not, our organs and bones often end up providing the alkaline buffers. This leads to chronic degenerative diseases. Remember, in order to remain healthy or improve your health, the ph of your body must be slightly alkaline.
The dietary effects on your health, inflammation, and gout control may be one of the most complex areas to understand, and we are learning new things all the time. For far too long we have remained focused on certain food “triggers” and purines counts. Food selection is very important. However, in terms of actual purines in the food, they truly only contribute to around 30% of the uric acid production. The larger and often overlooked picture would be the lack of pH balance to each meal, unhealthy food choices, high-heat cooking methods, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and an overabundance of processed and now genetically modified selections in the typical diet.
pH Balanced Diet Approach
A healing diet should contain an 80% alkaline to 20% acidic food balance, in each meal. A healthy body can generally be maintained (once healed) with a 60/40 balance. Ultimately, aiming for somewhere in between {a 70/30 ratio} is optimal and more realistic, overall.
When you eat any food, the body uses the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals contained in the food — and eliminates the parts that are not usable. The part that is digested, but not used immediately, is known as “ash”. It is similar to the ash left after a log has been burned in your fireplace. This ash can be acid or alkaline. The ash from fruits and vegetables is alkaline, although the food itself may have been acid. The alkaline minerals in ash can be stored in the alkaline reserve to buffer acids in the future.
Are there foods that specifically cause a Gout attack?
Many chronic gout sufferers are almost always bordering a high level where any one meal can push them over the edge and into an attack. The combination of both a high purine AND high acid meal can prove to be too much. This is why many people believe that a specific food is the cause of their gout attack; however, it is usually just what happens to tip that “already full cup” over and into an attack.
You must bring your uric acid down to a manageable level in order to gain some flexibility in your diet. Once again, this is where vitamins and supplements are necessary to provide your body with all of the tools that are crucial to uric acid management. You must enhance the body’s ability to fight this disease, and diet alone can make this a daunting task.
We can and must further support our needs and alkaline buffers through vitamins and supplements.
GOUT SUFFERERS CANNOT DO IT ALONE! That is why our products, from GC® GoutCare to Flamasil®, are so popular with our thousands of customers.
They count on our products GC® Gout Care, Flamasil®, Body Boost Vitamins®, and Friendly Fighters Probiotics® to allow them to eat the foods they enjoy WITHOUT the fear of a GOUT ATTACK!

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